Lost and FoundWe often walk off the field with fewer, and sometimes more vehicles than we arrived with! Here's a common place where we can tell the rest of the club about items that you've lost or found. Report your lost and found articles to the LUNAR'clips editor (e-mail - lkissel@rml.com; phone - 510/294-8047).------------------- Paul Pittenger (e-mail: PMP@CSI.compuserve.com; work phone: 415/693-4540) writes: LOST (in order of importance) at the July LUNAR launch... - Bottom of Estes Camroc Carrier (elliptical fins, tapered paper shroud on top, color Fokker Red), landed in field of weeds, south of the bathrooms but could not be found. Had a brand new Aerotech RMS 18 casing in it! ($&*@^&^!!!) - Top of Estes Camroc Carrier (clear plastic payload section with two green army men in it) on Estes 10" plastic chute. Drifted away after separation. - Balsa nose cone from Estes Honest John (drifted away after separation) on Estes 12" old checkerboard chute. This is the special shouldered nose cone to fit into the tapered shroud on the H.J. Color was camouflage brown and tan.
Copyright © 1995 by LUNAR, All rights reserved. Information date: Oct. 14, 1995 lk |