Proposed Bylaw ChangesLynn Kissel, LUNAR #009, has drafted the following changes to LUNAR's bylaws. The full text of the proposed changes are available on-line at the URL:
The main focus of the changes is the meeting schedule of the club. Instead of a rigid schedule of a meeting on the third Thursday of the month, the new bylaws would call for an annual meeting in the first quarter of the calendar year, followed by additional meetings as need and interests dictate. Another important change is the method by which the membership is to be notified about proposed bylaw changes. The idea of the revised wording is to allow for future electronic distribution of proposed bylaw changes. Also, a new member designation of Contributing is proposed as a revenue enhancing change to LUNAR's dues structure. The following text is the proposed changes to Articles 1-Name, 4-Dues, 5-Meetings, 8-Elections, and 10-Amendments. Existing bylaws text to be deleted is shown in italic characters with new text show in bold characters.
Article 1. NameThe name of this organization shall bethe Livermore Unit of the National Association of Rocketry LUNAR (the Livermore Unit of the National Association of Rocketry).
Article 4. Dues...Contributing Membership Plan: Dues income shall be supplemented by a special prefix of "Contributing" for each of the membership categories (as in "Contributing Adult Member") with an annual dues contribution of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) or more.
... Article 5. MeetingsMeetings of the Section shall be held if possible on the third Thursday of every month. An annual Section meeting (open to all Section business) shall be held during the first quarter of the calendar year. Additional Section meetings shall be held throughout the year as needs and interest require. All Section meetings at which officers or members of the Board of Directors will be elected, or at which the Bylaws will be amended, require a five day public notice to the membership in a form deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.
... Article 8. ElectionsElections of officers and members of the Board of Directors shall take place at thefirst meeting of the calendar year annual Section meeting. All officers and members of the Board of Directors shall serve a term of one year. Vacancies in offices and on the board Board of Directors shall be filled by nomination and election of a Section member to serve the remaining term of office and shall take place at the Section meeting at which the vacancy is announced. Nominations for all elections shall be made from the floor, and the candidate having the largest number of votes shall be elected.
Article 10. AmendmentsThese Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those junior, senior and adult Section members present and voting at any official meeting of the Section, providingwritten notice of the pending amendment has been sent to the membership of the Section at least five days in advance of such meeting public notice of the pending amendment has been given to the membership at least five days in advance of the meeting in a form deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors. Youth members (age eleven and under) may not vote to amend these Bylaws. NAR Headquarters shall be notified of all amendments to these Bylaws.
Copyright © 1996 by LUNAR, All rights reserved. Information date: Feb. 7, 1996 lk |