Announcing...LUNAR Contest Launch III (Spring 1996)by Rob Powers, LUNAR #374Contest Flyer As you have probably noticed on the 1996 LUNAR calendar, two contest launches are scheduled. The first of these will be held on April 21, and I have volunteered to be the Contest Director. First, let me encourage each and every one of you to participate in this contest. You don't have to participate in every event. Many people only enter in one or two, but you can certainly enter all of them if you want. Contests are definitely more fun when many people participate. Last fall, some of the events only had a few participants. Let's try to get a larger turnout this spring! If you are under 18, you will need a parent's signature to participate in the contest. And regardless of your age, you must be a NAR member to get contest points. Also, since the contest year runs from July to June, this contest falls into the 1995-1996 contest year. Any points earned here will be taken into the 1996 NARAM. Thanks to generous donations from Countdown Hobbies, Magnum Hobbies, Vaughn Brothers Rocketry, NARTS, and Stellar Dimensions, Inc., we will have many prizes to award for each event.
As with all LUNAR launches, we need volunteers to help with various tasks
(equipment setup/takedown, altitude tracking, RSO, Contest Jury, etc.). If
you would like to help out, please let me know. I can be reached via
telephone at 510-485-5922 (day) or 415-577-9482 (eve) or by email at
And now, the moment you've been waiting for... the event list! This
contest will comprise of:
All events marked with (*) will also be held at this year's NARAM.
Participating in them here will give you some practice in them if you are
planning to head east later this year. This contest has the potential to be
a lot of fun for all people involved in it. Just remember that
participation is the key to a good time!