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Electronic Distribution of LUNAR'clips

by Lynn Kissel, LUNAR #009

Did you know that the editor maintains an e-mail notification list that announces when a new issue of the on-line version of LUNAR'clips is available? These StarShip Subspace Transmissions contain a recap of the high points of the latest newsletter, with embedded URLs (uniform resource locators) to the corresponding information. Many popular e-mail readers (such as Eudora) recognize these hyperlinks; a "double click" of the mouse fires up your default browser and connects you to the information. It is a reasonably pleasant and effective way to scan the newsletter, reviewing only the parts that interest you.

To add your name to this LUNAR'clips e-mail notification list, send a message to the editor at

with the string

subscribe transmissions

in the subject or body of the message. If you find these announcements annoying, you can also get yourself off the list just as easily with another e-mail message with the string

unsubscribe transmissions

(While this simulates the action of a automated e-mail list server, rest assured, it's just a human editor beavering away at the other end of the wire. Consequently, he doesn't always respond rapidly, and he sometimes makes mistakes!)

Rest assured that we don't distribute this list outside of LUNAR. However, the editor and president have been cross comparing their lists in an attempt to keep them accurate and complete.

In some ways, the on-line version of the LUNAR'clips is better than the hardcopy edition. The images are usually in color, there are multiple indices to the newsletter contents based on issue date and author. A separate editor's pick index points to articles of particular interest. Often the on-line edition may contain articles that are not available in the hardcopy edition due to space limitations.

In addition to the current contents, old issues are all archived on-line at

A substantial amount of effort and cost goes into producing, duplicating, collating and mailing the hardcopy edition of this newsletter. You can save the club some money, and the newsletter production staff some effort if you unsubscribe to the snail-mail (geek speak for the US Postal Service) hardcopy version of the newsletter. Just send an e-mail message to the editor with the string

unsubscribe snail-mail

You should also include your real name in the message so we can uniquely identify you on the membership roster.

Copyright © 1997 by LUNAR, All rights reserved.

Information date: November 25, 1997 lk