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From Roger L. Deran, LUNAR #569:

"I have written a little Java program called ROSE: Rocket Optimization and Simulation Environment. It is at"

From Mark Jeghers, LUNAR #129:

"I've updated my web page. Follow the links at More stuff, including more Black Rock night photos, will be added soon. Hope you like them. Constructive feedback is always welcome. PS: the images render better if you set your video card to more than 256 colors (if you can do so)."

From Tom Hail, LUNAR #440:

" has picks from the Sep launch, the RC Airshow, and the Discovery Channel videotaping. Forward any name misspellings or other errors to me."

From Lynn Kissel, LUNAR #009:

The handouts and notes form Warren Massey's presentation on igniters at the October 15 LUNAR meeting can be found at

Back issues of LUNAR's newsletters, dating back to the first issue of November 1992, have been scanned and are available at

I have a page with pointers to member and other sites at If you want a link to your site, send me a note at – remind me in the note that you'd like a link from my LUNAR links page."

Copyright © 1998 by LUNAR, All rights reserved.

Information date: November 14, 1998 lk