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Letter from the Editor

by Tom Hail, LUNAR #440

Letter from the Editor by Tom Hail, LUNAR #440

Time is flashing by as usual. It seems like just last week I was publishing the last issue of ‘clips. I am still drying out from the February 20 launch and hope that March will be a little dryer. After a couple hours of flying, we managed to get everything packed up before the rain started but the field was wet and soggy and the trailer parking spot was a muddy mess. But I think we all had a good time, those who wanted to got to launch and those who wanted to watch saw the full spectrum of our fleet.

Speaking of spectrum, this issue has more variety thanks to articles from our members. Larry Baskett’s Saturn V building tips for those who are getting ready for our July commemoration of Apollo 11, Sierra Orvis’s article on her Girl Power rocket, an article on the Fresno Tripoli launch site and how to visit them from Bob Fortune, Roger Duran on the Flyin’ Stovepipe, another Saturn V article by Tony Cooper, and Jack’s write up of the Bay Area’s entry into the commercial space race, Rotary Rocket. Thanks to them for the articles!

Copyright © 1999 by LUNAR, All rights reserved.

Information date: Jan. 24, 1999 lk