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NARAM-2000 Update #1
April 15, 1999

by Tim Van Milligan
NARAM 2000 Publicity Chairman

Colorado's COSROCS and CRASH rocketry clubs have formally put in a bid to co-host the National Association of Rocketry Annual Meet (N.A.R.A.M.) in the summer of the year 2000. At the time of this writing, there is a very strong likelihood that the two clubs will be selected to hold the event.

In the proposal submitted to the NAR, the launch field that was selected will be a 400 acre plot of land that is owned by Vern Estes. "Estesland" is located between the two Colorado cities of Penrose and Canon City. This is an ideal site for a large event, as it is only about five miles from Canon City, and four miles from Estes Industries in Penrose. The field is large enough to handle up to M motor rockets, and it appears that there will be little difficulty in obtaining a high altitude waiver from the Federal Aviation Administration. The tentative dates are: Saturday, July 29 to Friday, August 4, 2000.

The NARAM-2000 event is made up of several different components. First, NARAM is the biggest model rocket contest of the NAR. At NARAM, individual competitors, teams and clubs from around the country come to be earn the title: National Champions. Second, NARAM also hosts a large Sport Launch, which starts the weekend before the contest and runs the entire seven days of the event. In fact NARAM was the first, and is still the only rocket event in the country where two different and independent rocket ranges are run simultaneously! Third, NARAM also plays host to a mini rocketry convention. Selected speakers are brought in to talk to the participants about various aspects of rocketry. Finally, NARAM is a social event too. Many people come to the event and never fly a rocket. They come just to hang out with old rocket friends and to make new ones. NARAM has been known to draw people from other countries too; theyıve come from Canada, England, and Japan!

At this time, the two clubs are setting up a variety of special events to coincide with the NARAM launches. This will include special speakers from Estes Industries, and tours of the factories where the real space launch vehicles are assembled. More information on these activities and other exciting events will be forthcoming, and will be posted on the special web site:

The web site also contains information on how to register for the event, as well as hotel information and info on local attractions. We urge people that are interested to make hotel reservations by early fall, as summer in Colorado is peak tourist season, and hotel rooms become filled quickly.

This event is open to all modelers, teachers, students, and space enthusiasts. It is not necessary to participate in the contest to enjoy all the activities surrounding this big event.

It is fitting that NARAM finally gets to return to Colorado. There is a bit of history to holding it in Colorado. In fact, the very first few NARAM's were held at the Air Force Academy in the early 1960's. And besides being the cradle of model rocketry, Colorado is a very big part of the space program -- the Titan, Atlas, and Delta launch vehicles are all assembled here in Colorado before being shipped off to be launched in either Florida or California. So, the history, nostalgia, and Colorado's current place in the space program, added to our great summer weather, will mean that NARAM-2000 can be one of the biggest ones ever!

Copyright © 1999 by LUNAR, All rights reserved.

Information date: May 26, 1999 lk