[LUNAR Announce:] Saturday LUNAR Launch Postponed

Bill Orvis orvis at comcast.net
Tue Nov 27 01:37:59 EST 2012

Hi Everybody.

I have been looking at the weather reports and waving my dowsing stick
around and it looks really bad for a launch this Saturday. The current
weather report shows a 70% chance of rain on Friday, Saturday and Sunday
so even if the weather system slips a day we are still rained out. We
generally need one dry day anyway before the launch to let the ground
drain down a little and that is not likely to happen. So, the launch is
postponed to the rain date of Saturday, December 8.

The good thing is that this storm will take care of any fire danger we
might have had.


William Orvis
226 Joyce St.
Livermore, CA 94550
orvis at compuserve.com

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