[LUNAR Announce:] Ames launch 4/19

David Raimondi d.raimondi at sbcglobal.net
Thu Apr 17 19:00:53 PDT 2014

The Ames launch this week will be windy! The forecast calls for 9 MPH winds
around 1200, we have to stop flying at 10 MPH.  Be prepared with "A" and "B"
motors.  Please cut the spill holes into your estes or quest parachutes.  
The launch will be stopped if the rockets: start drifting past the end of
Hanger 1; Landing on or beyond RWY 32L;  or being dragged down the airfield.
You can help keep the launch going by flying smaller motors!
We have a lot of outreach people attending this launch.  Please help them if
Thank you in advance!
LUNAR President

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