[LUNAR Announce:] SpaceX shares eye-catching slow-mo rocket footage

David Raimondi d.raimondi at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 13 08:04:37 PDT 2016

This is pretty cool footage of the recent Falcon 9 launch and 1 stage return
to the Cape.
Also enjoy a motor test for NASA with a new high dynamic range video camera!
Gets the juices flowing doesn't it!
August 20th launch is upon us.  I will be filing the paperwork for the
launch Monday with the airfield operations group, and should get
confirmation later in that day.  LUNAR has a couple new restrictions: 250
people on the airfield at a time; Need spotters for each flight (in addition
to the flyer), No drag races.  We will need additional help with spotters.
NO FOOD on the airfield.
Reminder: Always call the LUNAR Hotline before heading to any launch as
there can be last minute cancellations.
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