[LUNAR Announce:] Need help with Launch on Saturday 3/19

David Raimondi d.raimondi at sbcglobal.net
Mon Mar 14 17:11:45 PDT 2016

The club launch at Ames on March 19th will require a few more helping hands.
Per our revised agreement made last month, we can only have 250 people on
the airfield at a time, and most of this will be outreach, to clear out the
groups that had previously signed up for March. 
We will need spotters to track rockets to the ground and help make sure all
the rockets and any parts are found and returned to the owner during the
launch. We need pad helpers, and we will also need help with keeping people
away from the aircraft that will be parked on the west ramp near airfield
This is the last club launch at Ames, so let's make a good last impression.

Thank you,
LUNAR President

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