[LUNAR Announce:] Build Night Follow-ups

Paul Pittenger ppittenger at gmail.com
Sat Jul 23 08:44:08 PDT 2022


Follow-up from build night - THANK YOU to everyone who came, to learn or to
help out. My message to all of you building what you took is - *don't get
stuck!* If you are having trouble with a kit you took or need more
direction on parts for one of the "kits with no instructions" - send a
message to me - we can set up a video call. I want to see all these low and
midpower rockets flying this winter at Snow Ranch! I will have free motors
for all the 13mm and 18mm motor mount rockets, and some D12-7s for those
BT-55 airframe / 24mm motor mount rockets.

It's clear that those more complex rockets are sort of the limit of what we
can do in a one session build. Most who took them ended up building the
motor mount and will be cutting fin slots and attaching the fins at home. A
couple families got all the way to fins attached state at the build, but
still need to put together the recovery system and there are steps there
where the glue needs to really cure before the next operation.

I am looking for a few motivated students (youth or adult) to do a build
with more of the club parts - will be midpower 24mm and 29mm motor mount
rockets, with some 29mm and 38mm motor mount rockets that would be suitable
for a Level 1 certification. Sessions would be in my garage/driveway in San
Mateo so I don't have to move everything and we have access to all my
special tools. The high power rockets would involve learning epoxy and
fiberglass construction techniques.

Contact me off list and we can explore possible dates. I also am still
looking for a volunteer to help with all the donation and lost and found
rocket repairs that I make up for kid giveaway at launches.

Appreciation to Fred Radford for the Maker Nexus access, he is also a
resource for anyone who wants to join Maker Nexus and have access to other
tools, laser cutter, and parachute sewing equipment.


ppittenger at gmail.com

1Fred Radford
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