[LUNAR Announce:] Launch Opportunity in Lodi

Jack Hagerty jhagerty at juno.com
Wed Oct 20 20:40:32 UTC 2010

Hi all -


I had a really nice conversation with a lady named Donna Kah from St. Peter
Lutheran Church in Lodi. They want to have a "Lunch & Launch" mixer to get
folks (especially dads & uncles) to meet one another. What a great idea!
Generally when people talk about church socials I think of Bingo and covered


Anyway, I discussed fire permits and insurance to which she said that
several in their congregation have large ranch/farms and would probably be
willing to host a launch at-risk. If it's private property in the
jurisdiction of the CDF rather than a local Fire Marshall, then a permit
isn't needed (as we found out at Snow Ranch). We're talking 18mm black
powder here.


The planned date is November 13, and being a Saturday, I'll be in the city
at a Symphony rehearsal. What they'd like from us is to have a member or two
stop by to give a little talk and help them with prep and launching. Sounds
like a fun time, and we might pick up some new recruits for the Snow Ranch
launches (only about 20 miles away).


If you're interested, you can contact her directly at the cc'd e-mail
address, or by phone: (209) 333-2223. That's the church office where she
runs things from roughly 8 AM to 4 PM.


- Jack


Jack Hagerty, LUNAR #0002


"If God had meant us to be a spacefaring race,
He would have given us a moon" -- Krafft Ehricke



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