[LUNAR Announce:] NARCON Plans

Jack Hagerty jhagerty at juno.com
Tue Jan 25 08:28:13 UTC 2011

Hi Folks -


The NAR's annual convention, which is separate from the annual meet in the
summer, is coming up relatively soon, March 12 and 13 in Seattle.  This is
not a flying/competing event like NARAM, but more like a technical
conference except that the topics all have to do with hobby rocketry. Way


There has been some talk about a LUNAR contingent going. I've already booked
a room and I know that Ryan Coleman is going (he has to, he's a presenter!).
If others are interested, it's a great way to meet some of the people at the
national level and show them some West Coast enthusiasm. And being only two
days, it's not the big time commitment that NARAM is. Some of us are also
planning to do some side trips to the cool museums in the area like the SF
Museum next to the Space Needle, and several of the aerospace museums in the


Contact me if you're at all interested. I can coordinate our presence. 


- Jack


Jack Hagerty, ARA Press 



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