[LUNAR Announce:] NARCON Plans

Jack Hagerty jhagerty at juno.com
Tue Jan 25 21:11:34 UTC 2011

Thanks for the reply, Alan.


The website for the event is http://www.narcon.org/ (as you might expect). I’ll place the schedule at the bottom of this post, but you should go to the site for the actual presentations in each of those sessions.


Registration is only $35 ($40 at the door). You can register on-line on that site.


The special room rate ($109/night) for the event actually expired yesterday, which is why I went ahead and made the reservation. If you want to share, that part’s already taken care of.


- Jack


Jack Hagerty, ARA Press 



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From: Apjthym5 at aol.com [mailto:Apjthym5 at aol.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:40 AM
To: jhagerty at juno.com; announce at lunar.org
Subject: Re: [LUNAR Announce:] NARCON Plans


In a message dated 1/25/2011 12:28:31 AM Pacific Standard Time, jhagerty at juno.com writes:


OH, I thought it was 3 or 4 days of convention and a flying day.

  Well, I will have to review the event details. Is there a link to the event so I can read up on it?

If that is the case that it is only Sat. Sunday deal. I could fly and rent a car to see the Museums.

 A round trip ticket, Hotel and car package sould'nt be to much.

  I will check out the details. When do we have to register by?

Thank you Jack,





Friday, March 11th:

*	5:00 pm-8:00 pm - Registration open at the  <http://www.watertownseattle.com/> Watertown Inn; Informal gathering (snacks provided)

Saturday, March 12th:

*	7:30 am - Vendor Setup
*	8:00 am - Registration
*	8:40 am - Opening Remarks
*	9:00 am - Session 1
*	10:00 am - Session 2
*	10:00-10:15 am - Morning break
*	11:15 am - Session 3
*	12:15-1:30 am - Lunch
*	1:30 pm - Session 4
*	2:30 pm - Session 5
*	3:30 pm - Session 6
*	4:00-5:00 pm - Vendor Forum
*	5:30-8:00 pm - Dinner and Keynote speaker
*	8:30-9:15 pm - NAR Town Hall meeting
*	Vendor displays until 10 pm

Sunday March 13th:

*	8:30 am - Session 1
*	9:30 am - Session 2
*	10:30-10:45 am - Closing Remarks
*	11:30am-1:00 pm - lunch
*	1:00-2:00 pm - Spaceflight presentation at the Seattle Museum of Flight
*	2:00-2:30 pm - Ceremonial manned vehicle model launch

2:30-5:00 pm - Self-guided time at the Museum of Flight


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