[LUNAR Announce:] Rocket Jamboree

Jack Hagerty jhagerty at juno.com
Wed Jun 15 23:42:04 UTC 2011

Hi folks -


I know it seems really early to be talking about events next October, but
Mike Gentile just contacted me about the 11th (12th?) Rocket Jamboree that
will be held on the 8th and 9th of that month. As with last year, the Scouts
need help with field operations (check-in, inspection, pad mothering, etc.),
demos and merit badge counseling (that's usually me). Right now, the event
is planned for the same ranch off of North Livermore Ave. where it was held
last year, but as we found out last year, that can change.


He's going to try and schedule the help a little better so we don't wind up
like last year with 100 boys and 30 helpers on Saturday, and 350 boys (Cub
Scouts, mostly) and 7 helpers on Sunday. He's blocking the event into four
chunks: Saturday morning and afternoon, and Sunday morning and afternoon. If
you're interested, you can contact him directly at smmike at comcast.net.  It's
not a hard commitment at this point, just a head count.


- Jack


Jack Hagerty, LUNAR #0002


"If God had meant us to be a spacefaring race,
He would have given us a moon" -- Krafft Ehricke



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