[LUNAR Announce:] Cliff Sojourner throws his hat into the BoD election campaign

David Raimondi d.raimondi at sbcglobal.net
Sun Oct 6 11:59:37 EDT 2013

Cliff Sojourner has decided to run for LUNAR President.  Below is Cliff's
Rocketry Bio.  
I flew rockets in the 1970s.  I re-started hobby rocketry in 2002, after the
US Attorney General John Ashcroft said that model rockets should be illegal
because terrorists could use them to spread anthrax around a city.  I
thought, that doesn't sound right, a model with a C motor would have trouble
carrying a one ounce payload. Anyways, hobby rocketry was invented in
America, nothing could be more red, white, and blue than a wholesome
activity that the Boy Scouts offer two medals and the Girl Scouts give one.
My kids were the right ages to get started and I knew rocketry would be a
great family activity.
I bought a Quest starter kit (Big Rage!) at Fry's, took the kids to the
park, and we were all hooked!  Pretty soon we were flying at BayNAR
regularly.  We met Steve Kendall there, he suggested we make the trip to
Livermore and fly with LUNAR.  Rockets landing on grass, not asphalt,
wouldn't that be excellent!  Our eyes popped out when we saw the crowds and
models at Robertson Park.  One thing led to another.  In 2003 we joined
LUNAR (10 years ago!); my son's 6 year old birthday was a rocket
build-it-fly-it at the last BayNAR launch; and got level 1 at XPRS with the
blue Crayon rocket.  Level 2 and level 3 projects followed in 2004.
We were doing lots of high power but my heart was still with low and mid
power so we continued to fly with LUNAR every month.  I enjoyed being
involved and contributing.  In 2006 LUNAR needed a newsletter editor so I
volunteered for that, did it for 5 years.
I want to participate and contribute to LUNAR at a high level, so I think
the President board position would be a good fit.
My vision:  keep doing what we're doing, improve where we can. LUNAR offers
the only legal place to fly rockets in the entire Bay Area.  Our launches
are very popular and LUNAR is the largest NAR section in the nation.  The
present LUNAR board is running very well so I would not change much about
the club structure and operations.
I would continue the search for another year-round launch site, and
meanwhile continue launches at Moffett Field; continue our club charter of
hosting organized groups at launches; support organized rocketry activities
such as TARC and SLI; support outreach and promotion of the club and hobby.
Also I would more aggressively include new folks in club operations, both to
keep growing and prevent burn-out of old-timers.  Maybe even give them a
chance to fly a rocket or two!
Board Nominations is open to all club members, please consider running for
the LUNAR Board of Directors.
Thank you Cliff for deciding to run for office!   

David Raimondi
LUNAR President

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