[LUNAR Announce:] Today's Ames launch

David Raimondi d.raimondi at sbcglobal.net
Sat Sep 20 18:22:58 PDT 2014

LUNAR and outreach Groups,
The launch today was great with lots of really cool flights, lots of First
Time Flyers, and calm winds until noon.
LUNAR hosted 4 outreach groups today and I think everyone had a good time.

I do have two bad things to report however.
1.	The FAA waiver is for 1,000 feet and no higher. Please be more
diligent in choosing the motors for your rocket. Breaking the waiver is
frowned upon and could cause LUNAR to lose the launch site.  If you need to
fly higher than 1,000 feet, please wait for the Snow Ranch Season to open,
we have a 15,000 waiver there.
2.	This is a much more serious issue with me.  The owner of an Estes
Interceptor E is without his rocket this evening, apparently someone else
picked it up and did not return it to the range head but kept the rocket.
This is the very first time a fellow rocketeer has stolen something from
another rocketeer.   The owner of the rocket was standing about 20 feet away
from the Interceptor E while watching another rocket of his come down. When
he turned to pick up the Interceptor E, it was gone.   Several announcements
were made over to PA today for the return, but nobody stepped up.  
		If anyone has any information about this situation, please
email me at president at lunar.org.  The owner would greatly appreciate his
rocket being returned.
LUNAR President
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