[LUNAR Announce:] Ames Open House October 18th

David Raimondi d.raimondi at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 23 17:52:53 PDT 2014

We need Rocketeers and volunteers of all ages to come and support the LUNAR
booth at the Ames Research Center's 75 anniversary October 18th, 2014 from
0900 to 1700.
LUNAR will have a booth and will be showing off rockets of all sizes (you
can bring your own rockets).  This purpose of the booth is to inform the
general public about the club and the educational possibilities through
Science, Technology, Technology and Math (STEM) activities.  
I will have my son's Science fair project, Team America Rocketry Challenge
information and Los Gatos HS rocket, and ARLISS information rockets and
CanSats, laptops running simulations and video clips.
I need about 8 to 10 volunteers to help run booth spread out over the day.
While you are not at the booth, you could be looking around at the rest of
the exhibits.
I do have a shade canopy, but we could use another easy-up.  We will have
120 VAC power in the booth to power laptops and dvd players.
Please contact me if you are interested at president at lunar.org 
Thank you for helping.   
LUNAR President
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