
LUNAR Payload Meet

January 22nd, 2011, Moffett Field, NASA Ames

Meet held... results below:

LUNAR Payload Meet Standings

C Egg Lofting Duration

Place Contestant Number Section Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points

A Division
2 Parks, Alex 83713 534 73 73 96

C Division
3 Bassham, Jim 89038 534 54 54 64

T Division
1 Pacific Flying Machines T-736 534 74 74 160

B Payload Duration (Badminton Birdies)

Place Contestant Number Section Flight 1 Flight 2 Total Points

A Division
1 Parks, Alex 83713 534 26 26 100

C Division
2 Bassham, Jim 89038 534 15 15 60

T Division
-- Pacific Flying Machines T-736 534 DQ 0 0

Delayed due to LUNAR launch cancellation until Jan 22nd. More time build!!!

LUNAR Local Payload Meet.

We'll have a 2-event local meet at this launch at Ames. This contest will be a little different, and the events have been chosen so there is some spectator appeal.

All events flown in conjunction with the Sport launch. If the launch happens, the meet happens, so stay tuned to the LUNAR Hotline. If you are a sport flyer, come on out like usual, except for the 2 brief windows for the competition the sport flying will be on as usual.

Both events will only get one official flight due to the extremely limited time we have to fly at Ames. The first event is B Payload Duration (Badminton Birdies) and will be flown in a round starting at 10:45. The second event is C Eggloft Duration and will be flown in a round starting 11:45. If you want to fly, arrive well before this time and have your model checked in, prepped and ready to put on a pad at the assigned time. The models will be timed and scores recorded. Badminton birdies and eggs will be provided by the contest official. Check in begins once the range is setup, usually around 9.30. We'll be limited to one flight for each event, the winner of the B Payload Duration event will be the competitor with the longest time. The winner of the C Eggloft Duration event will be the competitor with the longest time and who returns the egg unbroken. Egg capsules must be opened in the presence of a contest official. Important: the entire egglofter must recover as a single piece. This means attaching the 2 halves of some kits like the Quest Courier together.

C Eggloft Duration Links:

http://ojames3.tripod.com/tccnarcontesttips/34ELD.html (external link)

http://homepage.mac.com/georgegassaway/BRB_contest/contest/eggloft_duration.htm (external link)

http://www.nar.org/competition/plans/eggloft.html (external link)

http://www.asp-rocketry.com/store/moreinfo.cfm?Product_ID=539&Category=176 (external link)

http://questaerospace.com/itemdesc.asp?ic=2011&eq=&Tp= (external link)

B Payload Duration (Badminton Birdies) tips:

A badminton birdie is 54 millimeters, or over 2 inches in diameter. This fits into a BT-70 Estes tube and must be fully ejected from the model. It may also fit in a BT-60 tube with some scrunching. Very few people have flown this event before, so nobody knows the optimal strategy. The simplest qualifier might be an Estes Fat Boy on a B6-2. A daring competitor might hope to eject it successfully from a Big Bertha/Big Betty BT-60 based kit.

Here is the main section of the rules describing the event:

The Duration Payload must be completely enclosed within the carrier vehicle during ascent. http://nar.org/pinkbook/P40_PAYD.html (external link)

" The Duration Payload must be released or ejected from the carrier vehicle prior to touchdown of the carrier vehicle. The Duration Payload must fall freely after separation from the carrier vehicle. Nothing may be attached to or entangled with the payload during descent. The carrier vehicle shall be recovered in a safe manner per Rule 3.5. A flight shall be disqualified if any of the above flight requirements are not satisfied. "

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