From: "Mark B. Bundick"To: Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 21:05:26 -0500 Subject: [NAR_Sections] NPRM Comments Desperately Needed I got an update today from John Kyte,the NAR's legislative liaison, that read as follows: "ATF is claiming that very few NOPR comments received to date question the 62.5 gram rule . . . " This means ATF is telling the Congress, "See? These rules aren't so bad because nobody's commenting on them." I NEED EVERY NAR SECTION LEADER TO CARRY A MESSAGE TO THEIR CLUB MEMBERS ASAP. I NEED AS MANY NAR MEMBERS AS ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE TO SEND IN A COMMENT OPPOSING THE ATFE'S JANUARY 29 2003 NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULE MAKING IF THEY'VE NOT DONE SO ALREADY. DO IT NOW. If we don't do this, we'll weaken the Congressional effort, as well as miss our chance to force the ATF to analyze and legally respond to points raised in the NPRM process. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE YOUR IMPACT. Cogent comments, such as those we've outlined for you here earlier are critical towards making sure the ATF either responds with facts, within the bounds of the law, or if they don't, opens the door to strengthen either our case in the courts or in front of the Congress. If you need further guidance about how to respond or what to say, let me know, and I'll repost my comments on that subject. But whatever you do, get those comments in the mail ASAP, please?? Regardless of how the NPRM is processed by ATFE, we need to show the Congress that we care deeply and passionately about this issue. The best way to do that right now is to comment on the NPRM in volume. Please be sure to remind your members to comment. Cheers, Bunny
[See the previous Legislative Alert for info on replying to the ATF NPRM. ed.]
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