LUNAR Calendar

Launches    TARC Launches    Next Launch    Next Meeting    Competitions

Here is the schedule for LUNAR launches and meetings. Launches at Snow Ranch are scheduled through May and again in the Fall. However the May launch is not a sure thing, as are the November and December launches. It all depends on the weather and the fire danger.

Since other groups sometimes have conflicting schedules, it's always wise to recheck the calendar each month shortly before driving to LUNAR events.

If you are driving a long distance, always verify launch information the morning of the launch by calling the LUNAR Hotline (925) 443-8705 .

Snow Ranch rain dates are one week after the scheduled launch.

LUNAR Events

TARC Launch Schedule

TARC launches will be scheduled as needed in addition to our existing LUNAR schedule through April. TARC teams needing launches should contact the LUNAR President or TARC coordinator. See the LUNAR TARC Pages for information.

Next Launch

On Saturday, April 5th, 2025, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm we will hold a high-power sport launch at Snow Ranch. Check back here and check the hot line in case the launch has to be changed or canceled.

Launches at Snow Ranch are level 3 with an altitude limit of 15,000 feet and a maximum motor size of M. Prior LUNAR BoD approval needed on all flights above 2560 N.

If you are driving a long distance and/or the weather looks marginal, always call the LUNAR hotline to verify that the launch is happening as scheduled.

Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 21st, 2025. The meeting will be held from 7:00pm - 9:00pm Hacker Dojo, 855 Maude Ave., Mountain View, CA 94043 .

LUNAR Competitions

Once or twice a year we hold sanctioned contest launches for points in the NAR national contest standings. These are often organized in conjunction with other rocket clubs in the area (BayNar, AeroPac) but you don't have to be a member of any of them (or even the NAR) to participate. You are welcome to join just for the spirit of competition!

Check the Competitions Summary Page for up to date information on upcoming competitions. Contact the competition manager ( for more information.

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Last modified on Tuesday, 29-Oct-2024 16:04:55 PDT