LUNAR Contacts

Club Officers    Hotline    Mailing Lists

Club Officers

Who are you going to call? Most of our club officers listed here can be reached by email and most prefer to be contacted that way about club business. If you need to know about last minute changes in the next meeting or launch call the LUNAR Hotline.

To send mail to all the club officers, send to the officers list .

Name Officer PHONE E-MAIL
Board Officers
Fred Radford President (408) 707-0640 (w)
(650) 469-3733 (c)
Jack Hagerty Past President Emeritus (925) 437-8543
Tony Cooper Vice President 510-589-5292
Brian Trusz Secretary 510.676.5868
Sheryl Cooper Treasurer (510) 589-8858
Emma Humphries Board Member-at-Large
Dave Smith-Uchida Board Member-at-Large
Non-board Officers
Jack Hagerty NAR Section Advisor (925) 437-8543
William Orvis and Tony Cooper Newsletter Editor 925-443-8253, 510-589-5292
Tony Cooper Membership Chair 510-589-5292
David Raimondi High-power Coordinator 408.997.2571 (h)
408.963.8286 (cell)
David Raimondi Level 3 Certification Coordinator 408.997.2571 (h)
408.963.8286 (cell)
Jim Bassham Contest Director (530) 923-1499
William Orvis and Tony Cooper Equipment Manager (925) 443-8253
William Orvis Webmaster (925) 443-8253

LUNAR Hotline: (925) 443-8705

It's a good idea to call the LUNAR Hotline to verify the date of the next meeting or launch, especially if you will be driving a long distance. We try to stick to the published calendar, but other events at the launch site occasionally force us to reschedule.

On launch days, the Hotline recording is always updated at 7:00am to reflect the Go/No-go status of the launch. On days with questionable weather, it is especially important to call the Hotline to get the latest information.

You can also leave messages on the Hotline answering machine.

LUNAR Mailing Lists

LUNAR maintains several mailing lists for announcements and discussions on rocketry and modeling.
E-mail Lists

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Last modified on Wednesday, 26-Mar-2025 13:26:15 PDT