God Bless America
Welcome to LUNAR

NAR Section #534
Hotline: (925) 443-8705

We continue to conduct launches at Snow Ranch. Launches at Snow Ranch are level 3 with an altitude limit of 15,000 feet and a maximum motor size of M. Prior LUNAR BoD approval needed on all flights above 2560 N.

As always, be sure to check the hotline before coming to be sure there have not been any last minute changes.

If you are planning to do a High Power Level 1 or Level 2, contact David Raimondi before the launch. If you are planning to Cert Level 3, Contact David Raimondi before you start building the rocket.

Next Launch: Launches postponed until we get approval from Hollister.
Next Meeting: Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 20 th, 2024. The meeting will be held from 7:00pm - 9:00pm Hacker Dojo, 855 Maude Ave., Mountain View, CA 94043
Next competition: See the Competition Summary Page for the latest contest information.
LUNAR Facebook Group
LUNAR Field Procedures
LUNAR'clips - The latest LUNAR'clips
LUNAR Mailing Lists
Online Calendar shows all scheduled LUNAR events for the year.
LUNAR Hotline ((925) 443-8705) for up-to-date event information.
Joining LUNAR
TARC - Team America Rocketry Challenge
LUNAR Handbook
LUNAR Pyro 3 Pages
What to do if you find a rocket in your yard.
Recent Launch Pictures See also the LUNAR Facebook site.
Lost and Found
LUNAR Bragging Rights Walls
LUNAR Legislative Alerts
New Launch Site: We are looking for a new launch site in the Livermore area.
LUNAR Rocket Hunter rocket locator.
Rocket Software

What's New on LUNAR

TARC 2023 Extra Launches
Revised LUNAR Handbook is now a wiki.
New LUNAR'clips online journal.
2023 Calendar
TARC 2015 Final Results
A new LUNAR brochure is available for promoting rocketry.

3D Animated Flags Courtesy of 3DFlags.com
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