LUNAR’clips 2003                        Volume 10, Number 4

Livermore Unit of the National Association of Rocketry              July/August 2003

Copyright © 2003 by LUNAR, All rights reserved.

Risk & Insurance

The question was raised, in some recent emails, as to what the NAR insurance covered -- their FAQ states: "Your insurance is void if you violate the NAR Safety Codes." The question arose in relation to air-starting AP, (described as a relatively untested practice), that was considered to possibly lie outside the code.

Others were of the opinion that there is nothing questionable or untested about air starting AP, or staging AP for that matter which is just another form of air starting. As Lee Teicheira said "At Tripoli launches such as those conducted by AeroPAC at Black Rock, air starting AP is frequently used. Not only is air starting a nice effect, but many, myself included, consider it safer than ground starting a cluster since the rocket's air speed provides sufficient stability to overcome asymmetrical thrust if all motors don't ignite."

In relation to asymmetrical thrust, it was suggested that a reasonable approach to the design might be to ground start the core motor and air start the outboard pods with a timer at say 0.5-0.75 second into the flight with a timer that senses liftoff. This approach is particularly desirable if the motor pods are extended out from the rocket's centerline as it will diminish the effects of asymmetrical thrust. Another way of taming asymmetrical thrust is to "vector" the pods thrust line through (or at least near) the rocket's CG.

At LUNAR we don't fly anything outside our safety code/boundaries/rules, in that we already operate under:

And for Robertson Park:

Everyone who signs up for the "day fee", rather than joining, is informed that one of the benefits of membership is being covered by the club insurance. They are warned that while the club policy will cover their activities from a liability standpoint, it does not cover them personally should they be named as co-defendant in a lawsuit. We don't allow any flying that goes beyond the boundaries of the safety code.

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