Selected photos from LDRS XIV
Last August, the Tripoli Rocketry Association held its 14th annual
big bash, hosted by AeroPac at Black Rock Desert, Nevada. This
was the largest incarnation of LDRS in its history, by a
substantial margin. Hundreds of people launching hundreds of
rockets during a four-day extravaganza.
(To those who attended LDRS XIV: Any additions or corrections to the
information and photos presented below will be much appreciated.)
More photos of LDRS XIV
are available at
the AeroPac Web site.
Hey folks... does this look like a good place to launch rockets, or what?
Anybody see any of them rocket-eating trees around here...? |
Note: It isn't only rocketeers who find this landscape enticing.
See also the
website, describing the (recently successful) attempt to break the
sound barrier at Black Rock in a twin-turbojet-powered car!
Of course, one thing you never find in the dry desert is big old
mosquitos -- right? |
The full-scale WAC-Corporal by Damien Russo, Bill Davidson and Billy
Davidson of "Team WAC" (from Garden State Tripoli) was one of the
highpoints of this LDRS. The article in the January 19965 issue of HPR
magazine and the preflight
interview/walkthrough on Earl Cagle's LDRS XIV video show just how
much thought and planning went into this project. Team WAC was rewarded
with a picture-perfect flight.
Another big and beautiful two-stager at LDRS was the Spirit of America.
Here are before and after shots (sorry -- no "during").
Before: On the left is the sustainer, with the two parts
of the booster on the right. |
After: The Spirit did suffer some damage on recovery, but it
was a lovely sight nevertheless. |
Some of the best-looking rockets at LDRS were those of Jimmy Arakaki, whose
craftsmanship has to be seen to be believed. This was one of his many
creations, Fat Chance, a highly evolved LOC Minie-Magg, ready for
launch. |
Despite the hours that go into his models, Jimmy is philosophical about the
risks of flight. This picture was taken just moments after the one above.
Could you smile like that? |
Here are more of Jimmy's rockets. In particular, on the top-right is
his Hyper movie camera rocket, as featured in a recent issue of HPR
magazine. This rocket flew on A K1100 reload, and employed separate chute
recovery for the booster and payload sections. Good thing too, since the
booster chute stuck in its deployment bag and the booster was destroyed.
But... |
...the camera payload recovered without a scratch! (Hey Jimmy -- we'd all
sure like to see that movie!) |
In addition to the big WAC, there were many other great scale models at
Dennis Reason's full-scale Astrobee-D was a real sight to behold.
It flew beautifully on a cluster of four K550s! |
Dennis also brought a great medium scale Black Brant II, with all
73 aluminum screw heads
present and accounted for! In the background, note the MagnumMobile
(alias Ross Dunton's truck) -- an endless source of Newton-seconds (and
sink for dollars) throughout the long weekend.
Dario Brisighella came from Colorado with this great fiberglass model of
the McDonnell-Douglas DCX experimental SSTO vehicle.
It looked really slick, but unfortunately, its aerodynamic stability didn't
quite match its good looks, and it tumbled to destruction shortly after
launch on a K1100. |
Here's Lance Tharp's family of Bullpup missiles:
mama, papa and baby.
No sense doing something just once, if you can do it again bigger and better...
Dave Redell was one of several LUNAR members who flew at LDRS. Here's
his LOC EZI-65 on an I161. This was Dave's NAR J-level certification
One of the finest sights at LDRS was this dead-heat three-way drag race
between a trio of LOC Minie-Maggs on I284s. It was so close that nobody had
a clue as to who won!
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