Livermore Unit of the National Association of Rocketry July/Aug 2002
Copyright © 2002 by LUNAR, All rights reserved.
Jack Hagerty, LUNAR #002
This version of my column will be shorter than usual (hey, you in the back! Stop cheering!) since I’m in a squeeze trying to get out the door to NARAM. I should have a full report on that in the next issue. Before I go, though, here are a few notices:
1) Remember that there is NO LAUNCH in August. We got squeezed out due to soccer scheduling.
2) In its place, Charles Winter is planning the "Beer and Rockets" outing to Stoddards Brewpub in Campbell (for members over 21 only, obviously). He will be sending me the details, and I'll be posting them in the LUNAR-announce mailing list and on the hotline.
3) For those who haven't heard, Bill Granger has closed his rocket supply business, meaning that we have NO on-site vendor for motors and supplies. Anyone who wants to step in and fill the void would be greatly appreciated.
There are two events coming next month. First, the September launch will be both our club’s 10th Anniversary, and our annual "silent auction." We have some interesting items again this year that will go for almost nothing (and no, Tony, I won’t be hauling out the old AT&T computer again!). Regarding our anniversary, Greg Wong has some thoughts:
"The club's 10th anniversary is also the month of the 1st anniversary of the terrorist attack. I remember last year we had memorial plans but that was scrapped when the FAA sterilized the air space. Do you think we should do something this year? Maybe leave pad 11 open or shoot off an entire rack with a missing man?"
Also in September, the East Bay Radio Controllers RC airplane club, after a year off, are putting on their annual public airshow. They have invited us to do a demo again. It is a week earlier than in previous
years, specifically Sunday, September 29. More details are on the way, which I'll distribute on the LUNAR-announce list once I get them. In the meantime, those interested can mark their calendars.
I got some bad news from the San Francisco Water District regarding the use of their property on Highway 84. After taking two months to respond, they turned us down without explanation or comment. I tried to appeal, but they aren’t talking to me. Charles Winter is making progress on securing a potential Level 2 field in Tracy, but if we can’t find another general use field by the time those houses across the street are occupied, we won’t be able to fly anything larger than "D" impulse at Robertson Park.
I admit that I need some help here. Bill Orvis has done a great job in scouting potential new fields around the area, but I just don’t have the time to follow up on all of them. So far, all I’ve had time to do is take the most likely candidates one at a time and work them. This approach isn’t working because it seems to take months for the various landowners to respond, and when they turn us down I have to start all over again. I need some volunteers to perform a shotgun approach. If a half dozen or so of you could step forward, we could do form a committee to do the groundwork. With enough volunteers, each would only have to take one site and find out who the contact is. Once the first contact is made, I can follow up in an official capacity. This approach should help weed out the sites that are going to turn us down pretty fast, and help us concentrate only on the ones that have potential.
You know where to reach me.
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