Volume 9, Number 5
Livermore Unit of the National Association of Rocketry September/October 2002
Copyright © 2002 by LUNAR, All rights reserved.
It seems that some people are having trouble posting to the LUNAR e-mail message lists. Just as a refresher here are how our three mailing lists are set up:
lunar.announce ( - This is a low volume list that goes to every member with an e-mail address (unless they ask us not to be on it). It is used for announcements of interest to all members such as schedule changes. To keep the volume of messages down, only the President can post to this list.
lunar.clips ( - This is a list for the Editor to make announcements regarding our newsletter, the Lunar 'Clips. There are usually three messages per issue (every other month): An early plea for articles, a later plea for articles, and an announcement that the issue has been mailed and/or posted to the web site. Only the editor can post to this list.
lunar.general ( - The general discussion list that anyone can post to ask questions or announce items of their own. You have to be a list member to post and read the messages. List membership is not automatic. To keep from annoying those who don't wish to participate, you have to actively subscribe to this list. You can do this on-line, or just request it on your membership form when joining/renewing.
Trying to post to either of the first two lists will result in a rejection notice sent back to you, with a copy to the list administrator (the President and Editor, respectively). This is so they can decide if the message is relevant enough to forward on to the list. Lately, however, it seems that some people have been getting reject notices from the "general" list. Our ISP host administrator, Charles Winter, explains why:
"In reviewing the logs for our e-mail servers, I've noticed a few posts to the general list that were rejected back to the sender. It looks like the sender's e-mail client may not be properly or completely setup. One of the checks our systems do to help prevent the spread of SPAM is to check for a "Reply To" address being sent along in the e-mail header. If this is blank, the message is refused. I suspect a few folks have not set this up in their e-mail client - its usually blank by default."
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